I'm known as Carlin Theque Stionwood, and I'm a 20-something year old who spends most of my time being subversive without really knowing what it means, while referencing things to sound profound. "That's how you know I went to college."
(Finger quotes.)
I hooked myself up to the Gnibeuy Network in the tail end of Summer, 2013- finally ready to share my expertise as a "content-sponge".
While not filling in the gutters that map our world into 2-D grids of time and space, nodding to the Bon-mots of Patton Oswalt and MC Ride, I can be found on Facebook entertaining anyone who might also be self-aware to the point of self destruction still up at 2:00 am. Maybe I'll try twitter next...
:: My Favourite Websites
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:: Featured Novels
Shade's Children is a science fiction novel that portrays a world that has been taken over by seemingly alien beings, called overlords, who have made all of the adults on the planet disappear. The aliens raise children in order to harvest their body parts. A guerilla team of children—some of Shade's children—overthrow the overlords and restore their society. The novel is fast-paced, suspenseful, and full of action, and addresses some important ideas about identity and the role of children in society.
I'm a text
I'm a text
I'm a text
Team Member 2
Job Title 2
I'm a team member. I'm a great place to list my job title and introduce me so your customers can get to know me. Double click me to change me and add your own content. To customize me and change my font go to the Design panel.
Team Member 3
Job Title 3
I'm a team member. I'm a great place to list my job title and introduce me so your customers can get to know me. Double click me to change me and add your own content. To customize me and change my font go to the Design panel.
I'm a text
:: Featured Comics/Manga
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