After defeating Takeda Kanryū's men, Kenshin and Sanosuke discover that Kanryu is protected by the last members of the Oniwabanshū group. Sanosuke is angry at Megumi for producing opium because a friend of his died from an opium overdose, but Kenshin decides to protect her. That night they are attacked by two members of the Oniwabanshū called Hyottoko and Beshimi. Sanosuke defeats Hyottoko, but Megumi is attacked by Beshimi. Yahiko tries to protect her but is hit by one of Beshmi's poison darts. It turns out Megumi is a doctor and she is able to save his life. She decides to leave the dojo rather than endanger anyone else, but Kenshin and Kaoru ask her to stay. Feeling guilty about the deaths she caused by producing opium, Megumi goes to Kanryū's mansion in order to kill him. She is taken prisoner and Kenshin and Yahiko decide to rescue her. Sanosuke is still angry at her but agrees to go along and they attack the mansion. The volume ends with the second chapter of Rurouni Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story.
Japanese release
English Release
A Reason to Act
Ugoku Wake (動く理由)
February 2, 1995
ISBN 978-4-08-871503-2
January 14, 2004
ISBN 978-1-5911-6250-6
Table of Contents
** In case you didn't know, most manga (like the one above) are supposed to be read by starting from the right side of the page, and working your way to the left. **